Action Synergy
Action Synergy from Greece is an organisation which is expert in the development and implementation of e-learning courses as well as in the creation of synergies between organisations working in various fields. Action Synergy S.A. is an education, training and knowledge based applications organisation which is actively involved in the organization of student and youth mobility, in the development of educational programs for vulnerable target groups, in the development of education technologies, training methodologies and the development of e-learning training courses. Currently, Action Synergy is participating in many transnational European projects as partner or as coordinator. Action Synergy’s S.A. key areas of expertise include: Organisation of mobility actions, Development of links and synergies between various actors in local, regional, national, European and International level, Development of learning methodologies, Development of educational technologies, Development of courses and modules making use of innovative methodologies such as: open/flexible learning methodologies, e-learning, learning needs analysis, development of professional courses. Action Synergy is currently participating as partner in two Capacity Building projects: TBRIDGE and AGRO.
Therefore, the selection of the partners in the consortium was made bearing in mind the need to build a consortium that will include:
- Organisations from Partner countries that are active in the field of youth and sustainable development and want to build their capacities in the issues of youth exchanges, youth empowerment and sustainable tourism.
- Organisations from Europe that are recognized training providers in the field of tourism
- Organisations from Europe that are experts in the field of alternative cultural tourism
- Organisations in Europe that are experts in the development and organization of e-learning courses
The combination of all these factors contributes to the building of a partnership which combines all the skills that are necessary for the implementation of a successful capacity building training programme.